About ICLS
The Iowa Chinese Language School (ICLS), as a non-profit and volunteer-based 501(c) (3), racially nondiscriminatory and equal opportunity organization, was established on July 17, 1999. ICLS is also a member of Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS). ICLS currently has an enrollment of 100+ students aged from 4 to adult in seventeen classes. The teachers are selected from the volunteers who have Mandarin Chinese as their native language and hold at least Bachelor degree and have teaching skills. ICLS offers regular classes and short courses/seminars. T he regular classes are taught on each Sunday afternoon except for holiday weekends at Johnston High School. The standard curriculum supplemented with organized outside-classroom activities is applied to regular class teaching. Outside-classroom activities include Drawing, Dancing, and Basketball, which are all taught in Chinese. Short courses and seminars can be offered on demand to business people and tourists who want to learn very basic Chinese language (basic conversation) and to get familiar with Chinese culture/costumes and recent development.
Our Missions
- Learn Chinese Language,
- Promote Chinese Culture,
- Create richer multicultural environments in our community,
- Create Multicultural Community.,
- Build Friendships between American & Chinese People.
Fund Raising
We encourage you to make your donation to ICLS. With you contribution, we can provide more school supplies that help teaching and learning, reward the students and teachers for their achievements, offer more learning programs, and provide more opportunities to serve the local community.
Your generous support to our school would be greatly appreciated. Remember, even small amounts help us to reach the school’s goal! You can make your personal contribution to ICLS using the donation form, or through United Way (One Gift Program) if you designate your contribution to our school name as Iowa Chinese Language School or ICLS, and the address as PO Box 648, Johnston, IA 50131. If you donate through United Way, and want to be recognized as a proud sponsor, please do not forget to write the amount of money and Agency ICLS, #889 on the back side of the United Way Pledge Form.
ICLS is an Iowa-registered(Code#: 889), non-political, non-profit, volunteer-based, tax exempt, and qualified 501(c)3 organization.