School Policy \ 学校守则
学生守则 | Student Code
- 学生应按时到校上课。
- 学生要尊重老师,尊重同学, 听从老师的指导。
- 学生上课要认真听老师讲课,不得随便讲话而影响老师上课。
- 学生因故缺席,应提前通知任课老师。
- 严格遵守教室使用规定,未得许可不得动用在教室里的任何不属于自己的物品。保持教室内外清洁, 不得在学校任何地方涂鸦。
- 学生课间休息不得乱跑,要遵循校方安全人员的指挥。
- 学生不得带任何危险物品到校,一经发现,立即没收。
- 学生若不遵守该守则,经两次以上劝阻无效者,学校有权取消学藉。
- 以上学生守则望严格遵守,对因学生所造成的意外和损失由其家长负责,学校一律不承担法律责任。
- Students should be at the school on time.
- Students need to respect teachers and other students, and listen to the teacher’s guidance.
- Students should listen to the teacher’s teaching carefully and not talk loudly to distract teachers teaching except for asking questions.
- Students should notify his/her teachers in advance if he/she will be absent.
- Students should not use, touch and misplace the provisions/supplies in the classroom that do not belong to the students. Also students should keep the school neat and clean and not graffiti on anywhere in classrooms and school.
- Students may not run around recess and students should listen to school security personnel’s instructions.
- Students should not bring any dangerous items to school. Once discovered, they will be immediately confiscated.
- If students cannot comply with the Code more than two times, school has the right to dismiss the students.
- Students should follow the Code strictly. All accidents and losses caused by students are the parents’ responsibility. School does not assume any legal responsibility.
- Iowa Chinese Language School has the discretion to use student’s name, electronic or photographic images, videos or exemplary accomplishments for educational and other purposes in print publications, school posters and websites.
家长守则 | Parent Code
- 每位家长对学校的一切工作有义务和权利。家长应积极支持和参加校方举办的教学和社区活动。校方鼓励和欢迎家长随时向校方提出有关改进学校管理、教学质量、和社区活动的意见。
- 学校将采用家长值班制以协助学校维持整洁的校舍和正常的教学秩序。家长值班表以班级为单位在开学前产生,家长有义务协助学校完成值班任务。
- 家长应提醒学生上课要认真听老师讲课,要尊重老师和同学。
- 家长应密切配合老师, 每周定期辅导学生完成家庭作业,并在需要签字处签名。
- 家长要按时送学生到校上课,不得迟到。请家长将学生送到教室交给老师后方可离开。为确保安全,下课后请及时将学生接回。学生因故请假,家长应及时通知任课老师。
- 学校鼓励家长每学期至少两次听老师讲课,并向学校 ( 反馈听课后的信息,以便有利于促进老师提高教学水平。
- 家长未经校方同意,不得在校内发任何宣传广告。不得在校内举办任何形式的集会和活动。
- 家长每学年为学生网上注册时,应详细填写资料,以保证校方与家长联系时有正确的联络信息。若有任何变动,务必及时通知校方。
- 家长要遵守所在学校的一切规定和纪律,不得有任何影响和干扰学校正常秩序的行为。敬请“陪读”的家长不在教室内接听手机。对屡次违反守则者,校方有权取消其子女的入学资格
- Every parent has obligation and rights for all schools’ work. Parents should actively support and participate in school teaching and community activities. School encourages and welcomes parents’ comments and suggestions to the school authorities at any time on improving the school management, teaching quality and community activities.
- School duty system will be used to get helps from parents to keep the school premises clean and in order. Parents on duty table is organized with class as a unit and set up at the beginning of each semester. Parents have the responsibility to help school complete the duty.
- Parents should remind their students to carefully listen to the teacher, to respect teachers and students.
- Parents should work closely with teachers, to regularly counsel students to complete their homework and sign at the signature if required.
- Parents need to send students to school on time. Parents should send their children to the classroom before leaving. To ensure safety, parents need to pick up the students on time after class. Parents should notify the teacher ahead of time if students will be absent for some reason.
- School strongly encourages parents to attend classes at least twice a semester and give suggestions and feedback to school ( after lectures, in order to help improve teaching.
- Without school’s permission, parents shall not issue any advertisements in the school as well as held any form of assemblies and activities.
- During the online registration in each semester, parents should fill out the information in detail with correct contact information to ensure school can contact you promptly when necessary. If there are any changes, be sure to notify the school.
- Parents are expected to abide all school codes and should not distract the school activities at any time. Cell phones must be turned off when inside the classroom. If parents broke the code repeatedly, school has the right to dismiss their children from school.
- Iowa Chinese Language School has the discretion to use parent and student’s names, electronic or photographic images, videos or exemplary accomplishments for educational and other purposes in print publications, school posters and websites.
老师守则 | Teacher Code
- 遵循学校统一安排,精心备课,完成学校教学任务。教学认真负责,耐心回答学生提问。积极参加学校组织的一切教学和社区活动。
- 了解学生兴趣爱好,充分考虑到生长在美国的儿童特点,融合美国教育风格,结合中国教育精华,激发学生的学中文热情,提高学中文的信心和水平。
- 老师在指定时间上课,不得迟到,以免对教学造成影响。
- 老师因事请假,应至少提前一星期通知校方 (,以便有充分的时间安排代课老师。 若老师因故要求离职,校方要求提前一月通知校方以便及时更换老师,保证教学质量及学生和家长的利益。
- 一般情况下,给学生布置家庭作业每星期五次,认真批改学生的作业。
- 做好学生在中文学校的学习记录,发现问题及时与家长和学校沟通。
- 学校在开学期间将安排教学交流活动, 老师应尽量参加教学交流活动。
- 老师备课材料和一切与上课有关资料, 须在期末交给校方 (
- 校方鼓励和欢迎教师随时向校方提出有关改进教学、管理和上课环境的意见。
- Follow the school overall arrangement, prepare teaching diligently and complete teaching task. Teaching with your best ability and answer students’ questions patiently.
- Understand students’ interests and hobbies, taking fully into account the characteristics of children growing up in America, blend American-style education combined with the essence of China’s education, inspire students to learn Chinese with enthusiasm and improve the level and confidence of students of Chinese learning.
- Teach cannot be late, but start class on time to avoid negative impact on teaching.
- Teachers should notify school at least one week ahead ( if they cannot be on duty temporarily to allow sufficient time to arrange a substitute teacher. If the teachers required resigning for any reason, the school requires advance notice one month ahead to give school adequate time to find replacement and to ensure the quality of teaching and the interests of students and parents.
- In general, teachers need to assign homework to students for 5 days/week and correct and mark student homework carefully.
- Keep a good record for students’ Chinese learning, identify problems and communicate with parents and schools.
- Schools will arrange teaching exchange activities during school year. Teachers are encouraged to participate in teaching exchange activities.
- Materials for teachers’ use to prepare lessons and classes need to be handed in to school in the end school year (
- School encourages and welcomes teachers to suggest ways for school to improve teaching, school management and environment.
- Iowa Chinese Language School has the discretion to use teacher’s name, electronic or photographic images, videos or exemplary accomplishments for educational and other purposes in print publications, school posters and websites.