Liability Waiver
We have two types: one for youth students (if students are under 18 years old with the permission of their parents/guardians) and another for adult students. Your registration means that you accept our Liability Waiver statements. You should read our Liability Waiver statements before registration of the class.
For Youth Students
I give my permission for my child(ren) to participate in the indoor/outdoor activities hosted by the Iowa Chinese Language School. I agree to bring my child to the school site for classes and pick him/her up immediately at the end of the classes. I will not hold the Iowa Chinese Language School, its host facility or any of its regular personnel and volunteer workers liable for injury, accidents, illness or other thing unexpected occurring during the school hours and other school activities. In case of medical emergency, the school personnel on duty have my permission to obtain emergency treatment for my child until I can be contacted. I have read and understand the forgoing statements. I agree to assume the full responsibility stated above and waive all claims as indicated.
For Adult Students
I will not hold the Iowa Chinese Language School, its host facility or any of its regular personnel and volunteer workers liable for injury, accidents, illness or other thing unexpected occurring during the school hours and other school activities. In case of medical emergency, the school personnel on duty have my permission to obtain emergency treatment for myself. I have read and understand the forgoing statements. I agree to assume the full responsibility stated above and waive all claims as indicated.